Yossi Kohn is one of the forty five holy people who passed away during the tragic calamity on Lag Ba’Omer in Meron in 2021. A fun-loving 22-year-old bochur of the Mir Yeshiva, Yossi was kindness personified. A beloved son, brother, student, and friend to so many, the departure of Yossi Kohn from this world is a loss for us all.
As Jews, we transform pain into growth, calamity into blessings. The Kohn family of Cleveland, Ohio, has set out to continue the legacy of their son, making a unique and meaningful impact for generations to come.
The last state in the Western US to build a mikvah is Wyoming and the Chabad Jewish Center is gearing up to build The Yossi Kohn Women’s Mikvah in Jackson Hole, WY. Countless lives will be enhanced through the mikvah that will bear his name. From Olam Habah, Yossi will bring even more incredible brachos to Olam Hazeh.
Each one of us can be instrumental in bringing kedusha and tahara to the most remote corner of America. Please partner with us today to give Yossi’s neshama a tremendous aliyah.
Indeed, our dear Yosef Yitzchak Aizik ben Menachem Mendel lives on.